What's wrong with this sign?
Take a look at the photo and tell me what's missing. Every time I see a sign such as this one, it bugs me because it is missing punctuation, or some sort of distinction between the Trespassing and the Violators.
Imagine this dialog:
Me: Hello, City of (fill in your city here)?
City: Yes, how can I help you?
Me: I have a question about signs I find around the city.
City: Which ones?
Me: The ones that say, "No trespassing, violators will be prosecuted."
City: What is your question?
Me: Well, it seems there should be something between Trespassing and Violators to show they are separate sentences.
City: No, they're right.
Me: They're right?
City: Yes, it is intentional that they are like that.
Me: Can you explain?
City: Yes, it is quite simple. There is no money in the city budget to prosecute trespassing violators.
So according to the City, the number of trespassing violators that they will prosecute is zero.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Very good. It took a second, but knowing your knack for spotting goofy signs I knew what you were gonna say.
Still, the imaginary dialogue is hilarious. I could see some government drone giving those answers/replies to you.
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