Erectile Dysfunction

A commercial for a pill claiming to help men with Erectile Dysfunction warns that if you suffer any loss of hearing or vision after taking the medication, you are to call your doctor.
Let me tell you, if you're so hard you're poking yourself in the ear or in the eye, you've got a problem bigger than any doctor would be able to handle.
And you thought you can lose sight only if you touch yourself.
Do you know the name of the tribe? Wow! LOL
I believe it is the Poakawini Tribe of New Zealand.
By the way, here is another snippet from these commercials:
"If you have an erection lasting more than four hours, contact your physician."
Right. My doctor is a balding, pot-bellied dude. If I've got a 4 hour boner, I'm calling his assistant.
Erectile difficulties become more common with increased age. Only 5% of men at age 40 experience difficulties, compared to 20% of men at age 65. The good news is that, nowadays there are a number of ways apart from the impotence drug Viagra available. There are a variety of factors that contribute to impotence.
Thanks for chiming in about Viagra, fellas! But that's not what this post is about.
OK, Kevin, you and the other guys above need to get a girlfriend.
Thanks, molly, but I think you're missing the point. (Pun intended.)
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