Momma Meme

Well, people, (the both of you, that is,) I've been "tagged," (whatever that means,) by Meleah of Momma Mia, Mea Culpa to complete this "meme," (whatever that is.) But seriously, I've done this only once before, a little over two years ago, so bear with me.
I have, though, seen these on other blogs and the thing I find most amusing is the part where they say "tag six random bloggers." Now for most people, who have on the average 30 or so people on their blogroll, their problem is to select only six from among them. Some have 100 or more; so many in fact that their blogroll actually rolls (re: scrolls) so they can be displayed in a limited amount of space.
I have 8 bloggers who link or have linked to me at some point. Eight. And most of them I haven't commented on in quite some time. Others have stated, "don't bother, I have hardly the time for ME let alone meme." Further, (and both of you might find this odd,) I regularly visit only a smattering of those eight, and none other. I need to either get a life or be glad I have one, I'm not sure. Anyway, don't be mad if I hedge on rule #4 below.
So here goes.
The rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
The disclosures:
1. quirk: I have to sleep with my head taking up no more than a quarter of my pillow. I'm not sure if I could fall asleep if my head were fully on the pillow. I'm not sure why.
2. non-important thing: My hair is looking particularly long these days. Not a good thing if one is searching for a job.
3. habit: I talk way too much. Specially if I get too comfortable. Which is too often.
4. quirk: I have a tendency to over analyze everything. Including why I got tagged for this.
5. non-important thing: I desperately need a new wardrobe. Or at least new shoes.
6. habit: I drink too much. But so do my friends. In fact, the more they drink, the funnier I am.
The SIX lucky bloggers I am tagging are:
Oh, who the hell am I fooling. If you're reading this, you're tagged.
First comment. Am I officially tagged?
This doesn't feel like a proper tag (I'm asking for one and that's not how it works, is it?)
Probably not, but don't say I didn't warn ya! Consider your tagging, "blessed," P!
YAY! Im so glad you did this. I also talk way too much and over analyze everything. Thanks for playing!
I know. That's why each of my answers mirrored yours.
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