A Keg a Day Keeps the (oh, never mind)

So this college senior is coming out of a coma in the emergency room after doctors had found large amounts of alcohol and drugs in his system.
"What happened?" he asks.
"Tell me, son," the doctor begins, "do you drink alcohol?"
"Well, yeah, I mean after all, I'm in college, man! We drink at least a keg a week."
"And do you also abuse drugs?" the doctor continues.
"Abuse is such a strong word. I choose to call it Chronic Experimentation," says the boy.
"Don't you know," begins the doctor, "that keggers can't be abusers?"
I link to this blog because I think its funny! Take for instance this post.
I don't get it! Please explain. I know it won't be funny then, but at least I'll understand.
C'mon P! Surely you've heard the expression "Beggers Can't be Choosers," haven't you?
I was reading it close to midnight, forgive my thickness :)
It's 2am now so I better go to bed, or my life will turn into a humorless dark pit.
Thickness forgiven.
Update! Update! I want to return the comment love!
Im gunna start harassing you until you post a NEW blog!
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