Starting 'em young

Saw the first pic from a post on one of my fave blogsites. Picture of Mattel's "Ken" doll - Barbie's main squeeze.
How could one help but notice the obvious direction the advertising people were going with those trunks, huh?
Little girls only saw the cool things she could do with this new doll from the ad.
But I'm sure it was Mom the ad guys were targeting. The Mom who controls the purse strings when it comes to purchasing decisions like this one.
Mom may not have been able to detect why she was drawn to the ad, but drawn she may have been.
Subtle, guys. Real subtle.
You're too funny.
Hmm... I hadn't noticed, but now that you mention it, I think maybe you're right!
Yeah, and what the heck's he doin' to himself with that tennis racket, huh?
I am truly disturbed.
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