What's wrong with this sign?
Take a look at the photo and tell me what's missing. Every time I see a sign such as this one, it bugs me because it is missing punctuation, or some sort of distinction between the Trespassing and the Violators.
Imagine this dialog:
Me: Hello, City of (fill in your city here)?
City: Yes, how can I help you?
Me: I have a question about signs I find around the city.
City: Which ones?
Me: The ones that say, "No trespassing, violators will be prosecuted."
City: What is your question?
Me: Well, it seems there should be something between Trespassing and Violators to show they are separate sentences.
City: No, they're right.
Me: They're right?
City: Yes, it is intentional that they are like that.
Me: Can you explain?
City: Yes, it is quite simple. There is no money in the city budget to prosecute trespassing violators.
So according to the City, the number of trespassing violators that they will prosecute is zero.